Astrology and Ancient Sciences through Stories

When we do not find solutions in real life, we always find refuge in Vedic Sciences

This website is dedicated to bring you good understanding about Vedic Astrology and other aspects of Vedic sciences. Helping you to find your footing in this multiple narrative society .

Aum Astral Luck Ganesha Saraswasti Lakshmi
Aum Astral Luck Ganesha Saraswasti Lakshmi Kubera

Learning astrology

To Learn astrology you need a strong foundation of ancient Vedic science. It is just not enough to know the complex rules. Because if you do not know the alchemy process and then you will always be lost in the complexity of the astrological rules. Such complexity leads to a perception that Vedic astrology is a probabilistic science. Vedic astrology is beyond prediction.

Vedic Astrology is the complete understanding of COSMOS (Shiva and Shakti).

Lets us begin the journey of Astrology by remembering and praying to

Ganesha: Who removes all the obstacles in our journey of learning astrology and Vedic sciences.
Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha
Goddess Saraswati: Who blesses us with divine creativity to understand the cosmic energies and use them practically in our life and to help others
Om Shri Saraswataya Namaha
Goddess Lakshmi: Who blesses us with ultimate determination to achieve our learning goals and aspirations
Om Shri Maha Lakshmiye Namaha
Lord Kubera: Who takes care of our finances and resources while we are busy learning the Vedic Sciences
Om Shri Kuberaya Namah


“अग्निमीळे पुरोहितं यज्ञस्य देवमृत्विजम् । होतारं रत्नधातमम् ॥”

Meaning: I praise fire. He is the ultimate priest who takes our sacrifice (Yagna, यज्ञ) to the God and Goddesses. Fire possesses the qualities of ultimate charity. Agni (Fire) who invites all the Gods and Goddesses to the sacrifice. He is also the receiver of the gems as the fruit of the sacrifice and distributes further to righteous deserver .

Rig Veda 1.1.1

Featured courses

Preparing two valuable courses for you now. I will soon update you about the courses – Please sign up to the news letter.


Introduction to Vedic Astrology

This course will introduce you to a Vedic astrological chart, planets, zodiac signs and basic of Vedic Astrology

Five elements of nature

Introduction to the Five Elements

This course will introduce you to the Five Elements or Pancha Bhutas